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Repair Saw-Cut Loop Yoke – Troubleshooting Trick
Do you have a loop that is reading under 30 megohms? This reseal technique may repair a shorting loop if the short is happening at the yoke point (area where the loop meets the lead-in) which is often a vulnerable point for loops.
Step 1:
Carefully cut through the sealant along the sides of the yoke area using a box cutter. Do not cut the area that the loop enters and exits the yoke.
Hammering a screwdriver along the sides of the cut can help to separate the sealant from the pavement. Be sure not to puncture loop wire.

Step 2:
Use pliers and a screw driver to pull up the old sealant. Be careful when inserting the screwdriver, make sure it is not pressing into the loop.

Step 3:
Remove as much of the sealant as possible from the yoke area.

Step 4:
Insert a thin screwdriver in between the loop wires and gently spread the wires slightly apart. This will allow space for the sealant to flow between the wires. Use an air blower or
can of air to remove loose debris before you fill with sealant. Wipe rubbing alcohol around the joint and then blowing it out/dry will ensure a clean surface for the new sealant to stick to.

Step 5:
With the screwdriver still inserted apply a layer of sealant under the yoke, gently press the yoke into the sealant.
Do not use a water based sealant, use a rubber or polyurethane sealant. Water based sealants will facilitate shorts to ground.

Examples of Polyurethane Sealants | Examples of Rubber-Based Sealants |
BD Loop Goop Chemque Q-SEAL™ 290S Bondo® 575 Loop Sealant BASF Gold Label Loop Sealant Sikaflex®-1a Or compatible products | Ruscoe Permanent Sealer 974 Loop Sealant 3M Detector Loop Sealant 5000 Or compatible products |
Step 6:
With the screwdriver still inserted seal over the yoke. Encapsulate the yoke in sealant.

Step 7:
Remove the screwdriver, this will allow the sealant to flow between the loop wires.
These steps will only help repair a loop that is failing at the yoke point (the area where the loop meets the lead-in). Fully sealing this area will prevent water from entering the yoke point and causing a short to ground or intermittent loop failures. If your loop has been damaged at a different point, this repair will not fix the loop.

BD Loops
The Loop Experts!
BD Loops was founded in 2001. Their preformed loops and accessories are designed with the installer in mind. BD Loops offers a complete loop system solution including preformed direct burial loops, preformed saw-cut loops, loop sealant, blades, testing devices, and installation tools. BD Loops has a reputation for reliability and ease of installation. They pride themselves on the quality of their products and their commitment to providing excellent customer service and support. BD Loops preformed loops are made in the USA at their facility in Placentia, CA.