BD Loops Lab
The place to learn about inductance loops!
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This will open a .pdf version of our Saw-Cut Loop Installation Instructions.
This will open a .pdf version of our Direct Burial Loop Installation instructions.
We highlight 2 simple tricks you can use to get your preformed saw-cut loops to fit every time.
Did you know that a Megohmmeter is the best tool you can use to determine if a loop is faulty? Learn how to properly meg a loop with this easy to follow guide!
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Education Articles

With these simple explanations it will be easy to convey what loops do and how they work to your customers.
Are your loops protecting the full gate path? Prevent closure on vehicles by following these layout recommendations.
What is the best way to install loops in a wide driveway? Learn why multi-loop configurations are so dangerous.
You may have heard that wire gauge doesn’t matter for inductance loops, but is that really true?
Learn which type of wire makes a loop perform better and why.
What happens when high voltage lines are installed near loops? Don’t let industry myths make your job harder!
Are myths about electrical line standoff distances making your job harder than it needs to be?
We’ve complied our top ten tips that can save you time and money when installing Saw-Cut Loops.
Did you know an old loop in the ground can cause false detections even if it isn’t recieving any power? Learn how to protect your systems when replacing old loops.
This article is an introduction to how inductance loops work and loop phasing – a trick you can use to help you put loops in limited space applications & save you the cost of a detector.
This is a more advanced article that goes into how to take advantage of loop phasing in more detail.
Learn how many loops need to be placed in the different gate, door, and parking systems and where.
Taking a closer look at loop related myths in our industry.
False or “phantom detections” is one of the leading reasons why installers must do a repeat service call on brand new loop systems.
Is running the lead-in through conduit really worth it? Learn how much protection conduit can give to a loop.
Do loop lead-in wires have to be twisted? This article dives into some of the most pervasive myths related to inductance loops.
Blade width is surprisingly important when installing saw-cut loops, Improper blade width can compromise your loop systems and contribute to loop failure.
Save Time and Money with these industry tricks. Make your next saw-cut installation easier!
Tests & Results
Do power lines really cause interference with loops?
Can loops be installed with Snow-Melt Systems?
How much impact on detection strength does wire gauge have on small and large loops?
How much does wire gauge affect loop performance? Lets compare detection results!
Can using pipe insulation in a concrete pour help protect the loop wire from damage?
Observations of a loop’s detection performance while the loop wire itself is twisted vs. untwisted.
How much protection does conduit really add to the lead-in?
Observations of the effect phasing has on loop detection when two loops are hooked in series on each side of a slide gate or overhead door.
Wrapping your own loops with TFFN or THHN Wire? Is TFFN wire rated for saw-cut applications? Learn what issues arise when TFFN / THHN wire is installed in asphalt.
Air pockets and false detections cause many frustrating repeat service calls, could your problem be the loops? Learn why you should never install a saw-cut loop in a 1/8″ saw-cut groove.
A literature sheet that explains why it is necessary to use a 3/16″ blade for saw-cut applications.
Observations of a loop’s detection range both perpendicular and parallel.
Can air pockets really cause false detections? Observations of a loops preformance with an air pocket. You can watch a video of this test below.

Help & Instructions

This will open a .pdf version of our Direct Burial Loop Installation instructions
This will open a .pdf version of our Saw-Cut Loop Installation Instructions.
Follow these simple instructions to install loops under pavers.
Use this handy size chart to quickly determine what size loops you need for your application.
Did you know that a Megohmmeter is the best tool you can use to determine if a loop is faulty? Learn how to properly meg a loop with this easy to follow guide!
We highlight 2 simple tricks you can use to get your preformed saw-cut loops to fit every time.
Maximize your sealant game with these handy tricks that will save you time, money, and sealant!
Add an additional water barrier to your saw-cut loop installations with this simple trick.
This modification allows a saw-cut loop to withstand the crushing pressures of a direct burial application.
Determine how far an exit loop should be from the gate to make it so that the gate is open by the time the customer reaches it.
Pouring new asphalt? Learn the best way to install loops in a new asphalt pour.
Make your saw-cut applications more professional looking with the sand trick. Open up the lane quicker and mask unsightly saw-cut “tattoos”.
Save Time and Money with these industry tricks. Make your next saw-cut installation easier!
Add an additional water barrier to your saw-cut loop installations with this simple trick.
Warn other workers that they need to use caution when working around exposed loops. (We reccomend printing this sign out on brightly colored paper.)
Protect yourself – A sign off form that can be used If you are unable to see a loop installation through to the end.